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Is my dog at risk for ticks?

By March 17, 2015 December 11th, 2015 Dogs, Parasites, Summer Safety, Ticks, wellness

Tick Risk Assessment


  1. Have you ever found a tick on your dog?                                                           Yes/No
  2. Have you heard about Lyme Disease?                                                                Yes/No
  3. Do you plan on going to a cottage or camping with your dog this season?        Yes/No
    If yes, Where?_____________________
  4. Do you plan on travelling outside Durham Region with your dog?                      Yes/No
  5. Do you frequently take your dog walking through areas with tall                                     grass, fields or wooded areas?     (hiking, dog parks)                                                 Yes/No
  6. Have you ever used a tick preventive product on your dog?                                Yes/No
    If yes, which one?____________________
  7. Any other concerns?


If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, then you should call us today (your Whitby veterinarian) to talk about your pet’s risk.


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