It’s feeling like spring out there already! You know what that means? Ticks are awakening!! Once the temperature reaches 4°C ticks will start to wake up and look to feed (on your pet). This means that we need to start tick prevention for our pets to ensure we protect them against tick borne diseases (such as Lyme disease).
In the Whitby and Oshawa, area the numbers of ticks have been rising steadily, thus we are recommending that all dogs be place on tick prevention from March to December (or any month that has temperatures over 4°C).
Lyme disease is the most commonly recognized tick disease in the Whitby area. It is of concern to both pets and people. Lyme disease is an incurable disease, that has some very serious effects in people and dogs. Preventative measures, such as tick prevention products are the best option to ensuring your pet remains Lyme disease free. There are great websites out there that go over preventative measures for people – we would highly recommend you review these to ensure your family remains safe. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/lyme-disease.html
There are a few tick prevention products on the market now. It is recommended to speak to your local Whitby veterinary clinic to see what product is recommended for your pet(s). Most of these options come in a tasty chew that is easy to give to your dog.